NJ Farmers, Markets, and Growers Coalition
New Jersey’s first statewide coalition of farmers, markets, and growers that connects farmers directly to SNAP shoppers. The coalition will leverage partnerships and resources, network, facilitate connections to market and funding opportunities, and increase access to fresh, healthy food across the Garden State.
Why Join?
Connect with communities and market opportunities
Network with other farmers, growers, and markets in NJ
Voice your successes and challenges
Receive farm and market resources and support
Stay up to date on state and local policies
Receive training and technical assistance related to:
Becoming SNAP/WIC Authorized
Best Agricultural Practices
Connecting with Farmers Markers and other Vending Opportunities
Benefit from statewide promotion of coalition members
Receive priority updates on Garden State Good Food Buck and other funding opportunities
Who are We?
The NJ YMCA State Alliance’s mission is to collaborate and work together on areas of mutual benefit in order to strengthen and enhance our individual YMCAs and the collective strength of NJ YMCA’s to better serve the people of New Jersey. At the Y, strengthening community is our cause through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. To learn more about the NJ YMCA State Alliance click here.
City Green is a 501(c)3 urban farming and gardening organization, based in Clifton, New Jersey working to revitalize urban areas through agriculture and educational programming. City Green offers practical, technical and financial resources in support of environmental stewardship and equitable access to healthy food, including the “Garden State Good Food Network,” New Jersey’s only statewide SNAP-doubling incentive program for farmers markets. To learn more about City Green click here.
Get Involved: ​
JOIN OUR GROUP City Green & NJYSA are sending out need assessment surveys to NJ farmers, growers, and markets with the hopes of convening the first coalition planning meetings in early 2021. If you/your organization would like to participate or receive more information about the coalition please submit your contact info here.
For more information: Contact Lisa Martin at Lmartin@city-green.org