Community groups, organizations, and municipalities in Passaic County are invited to build new community gardens with City Green.
City Green’s Dig In! Community Garden program provides eligible applicants with grants and support to construct new community gardens in their Passaic County neighborhood. Applications are due November 30th.
Eligible applicants include community organizations, faith-based organizations, municipal “adopt-a-lot” programs, garden clubs, youth-serving organizations, enthusiastic community members, and municipalities. Community garden projects must be food-producing gardens located in Passaic County.
The Dig In! grant program, funded by the Passaic County Board of County Commissioners and administered by City Green, supports community gardens and greening projects from municipalities and community organizations across Passaic County. Through participation in Dig In!, community members gain access to funding, educational workshops, technical assistance, materials, and resources for the successful establishment of sustainable community gardens. Since 2014, City Green has partnered with local organizations and municipalities on over 80 community garden projects in 13 Passaic County municipalities.
Dig In! Community Garden grants have been awarded to community groups, organizations, and municipal partners including the Bloomingdale Community Garden, St. Peter’s Haven, the Ringwood Community Garden, Father English Community Center, the Enrichment Center for Women and Children, and more.
Individuals and groups that wish to start a NEW Community Garden will receive a consultation from our team to learn about your project, visit the potential garden site, and meet your garden group. City Green's Dig In! Coordinator, Carmen Rosario will work with your group to help you establish a new community garden in your Passaic County location. Please reach out to Carmen at crosario@city-green.org or 973-869-4086 to schedule your new garden consultation today.
If your garden is already a Dig In! member or you have an existing community garden you are welcome to view our menu of garden support packages to request items that your garden needs. Our menu includes items such as garden beds, mulch, hand tools, and more. See our Dig In Garden Grant Menu for Existing/Returning Gardens in English or Spanish.
Community members, organizations, and municipalities that are interested in the Dig In! Community Garden Grant program can learn more by emailing City Green's Community Garden Coordinator Carmen Rosario crosario@city-green.org.
City Green is a 501(c)3 urban farming and gardening organization based in Clifton, New Jersey working to revitalize urban areas through agriculture and educational programming. It offers practical, technical, and financial resources in support of environmental stewardship, equitable access to healthy food, and ecologically sustainable communities. For more information contact Jasmine Moreano, Director of Community Engagement and Advocacy or visitwww.citygreenonline.org.