City Green & City of Paterson Present

Saturday, October 19th, 2024
11 AM - 2PM
Rain Date: October 20th
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
City Green's Learning Garden
Eastside Park
587 Park Avenue, Paterson NJ
The City Green Harvest Festival is an annual event that brings nature-based, fall fun to the Learning Garden in Eastside Park. The Harvest Festival offers families with children the opportunities to explore City Green's gardens and farm and participate in a wide variety of hands-on, seasonal, nature-based activities. Visitors of all ages can enjoy fall experiences and community building in the beautiful Learning Garden at Eastside Park.
Activities include:
Farm Stand (We accept WIC, SNAP, Senior Checks)
Fall veggie taste tests
Nature crafts
Apple Cider Making
Digging in the Garden
Raffle Giveaway
Fall Photo Booth
Scavenger hunts
Free play
Guest Vendors:
NJ4S Intro to Mindful Martial Arts Demonstration and Board-Breaking
Beyond the Classroom with Fall STEAM Activity
more coming soon!
If you would like to learn about Volunteering for the Harvest Festival email us at
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About the Learning Garden
The City Green Learning Garden is located at Eastside Park in Paterson. The one and a half-acre site was originally built by City Green in 2008 with the help of the Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation and Paterson middle school students!
In addition to food production, it serves 1,000 children each year who attend field trips, summer garden camp, and the fall Harvest Festival, which attracts 500 visitors annually. It is also home to the annual “Greenest Place in Paterson” Garden Contest, which recognizes local Paterson gardeners efforts to beautify their city and produce local food.
The Learning Garden was recently updated with the help of grant funding to include a new fence with underground wire to keep out persistent groundhogs, a pavilion covered in honeysuckle and grapevines to provide a cool shade for visitors, an educational fruit orchard comprised of 30 apple trees, a harvest station, a compost station and other fun features like a corn maze, three sisters garden, potato hill and a small edible forest.
With native trees, shrubs and perennials that attract local wildlife, the Learning Garden has grown into a thriving natural space in the City of Paterson.

Directions to Eastside Park
Eastside Park is located at 587 Park Avenue, Paterson NJ.
When accessing Eastside Park using GPS, it will lead you to the park entrance on Park Ave between East 36th and 37th street. The recommended entrance is through East Park Drive between East 38th and 39th street (referenced in the photo on the left).
When you arrive at Eastside Park, you will see a circle with a statue and a white house. Park alongside the circle. The entrance to the Learning Garden is beside the White House.